Our Complaints Procedure
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Our Complaints Procedure
We aim to address all complaints seriously and with respect to all parties.
Being listed ensures that your name will be confirmed and will allow vets and animal owners to search for a competent professional with confidence. This will dissolve the confusion that has developed in the marketplace, and create clear and fair grounds for owners and professionals to make properly informed choices.
This definitive listing has created a one-stop-shop that is quick and easy to reference. This means it can be used easily by veterinary professionals and insurance companies to locate a practitioner covering their area, with sound information about their credentials.
Becoming a registrant means you are a practitioner dedicated to high-quality care and instrumental in improving animal welfare.
Through RAMP registration you have a voice in the political discussion that will shape the future of your profession. Highly skilled therapists volunteering to uphold standards of excellence will strengthen your stance in the political debate.
Registrants may use the RAMP logo on their correspondence and promotional material.
Registrants following RAMP's Gold Standard quality of practice have reduced insurance risks therefore RAMP can negotiate with insurance companies to deliver excellent value block schemes for our members.