RAMP Welcomes RCVS Announcement on Future Regulation of MSK Professionals

RAMP have steadfastly been working towards autonomous practitioner status in future legislative structure for fully regulated and qualified MSK practitioners. Historically this position did not align with the RCVS thinking however RAMP is delighted to share the statement issued by Linda Belton RCVS President earlier today.
There is still much work to do on looking at where we might fit into a new veterinary healthcare model, however RAMP believe the work that has been done to date on voluntary regulation has given confidence to facilitate this decision.
We look forward to further discussions with the RCVS, DEFRA and all other stakeholders.
Linda Belton RCVS President March 17th, 2025.
“With conversations now underway with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) concerning a possible replacement for the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, the College has been giving further thought to the regulation of allied professionals such as those in the musculoskeletal (MSK) sector. We are grateful for the constructive conversations we have had with stakeholders concerning this matter over the years, not least with representatives from the Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners (RAMP) and the Animal Health Professions' Register (AHPR), who have helped us to develop a clearer understanding of MSK therapists and their work.
At its March meeting, RCVS Council agreed on a package of recommendations for governance reform as part of the wider proposals for legislative change. These recommendations include a smaller governing ‘board’ to bring the College in line with other regulators, with the potential for allied professionals including MSKs to be included among the professional members. It was also agreed that each profession should have its own autonomous council reporting to the board, and this would include an MSK Council if the College is empowered to regulate the MSK sector.
The College’s Legislative Change Working Party has also considered the question of ‘professional autonomy’ for MSKs, and agreed that the existing Exemption Order – which requires MSK treatment to be prescribed following a clinical examination – may be too restrictive in light of modern practice, and there was room to explore whether, for instance, the need for such an examination could be left to the judgement of the veterinary surgeon depending on the details of the individual case. The RCVS is requesting that any new legislation grant it the power to determine the scope of activity for professions that it regulates, and this power would replace the Exemption Order. In time, once the statutory regulation of MSKs has bedded in and confidence established, even greater professional autonomy for MSKs could be considered - up to and including a similar level to that found in human healthcare. This autonomy could be linked to a level of qualification and/or ‘advanced practitioner’ status.
There is still much work to be done to secure change. We look forward to further discussions with MSK stakeholders, and working together to call for the much-needed legislative reform that should allow proper statutory regulation of the MSK sector, with all the assurance for animal health and welfare and the public interest that this would bring.”